Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Daughter Bristol vs Sarah Palin's mother went on views. An American politician is known for its conservative views. In turn, her 20-year-old daughter, Bristol, after a performance in Dancing with the Stars, was discovered in a liberal spirit. Now the two ladies are arguing - Sarah Palin got even a ban on entering the house of Bristol. Write about the situation the American media.
The main complaint? Sarah Palin is too Republican and too wants to control the force of Bristol, which according to the Daily Mail, she moved from Alaska to Arizona because of overprotective mother.

The tabloid 'National Enquirer', the young celebrity mother forbade her to make this come to her house until you accept the new views. Bristol Palin, after his visit in Los Angeles, where she appeared in the American edition of 'Dancing with the Stars', she discovered that her views are closer to liberals than the Republican values \u200b\u200binstilled in her home since childhood.

started from the fact that in 2010 decided to publicly support gay marriage. This provoked a real storm in the United States, where a year before the conflict, and Sarah Palin the gay scene does not come down from the front pages of newspapers. The then governor of Alaska stood in defense of Carrie Prejean, who was Miss California is not for the fact that publicly stated that it "believes in marriage as a union of man and woman."

In the U.S., lack of consistency in the views of family policy is tantamount to a decline in support for him. That's why Sarah Palin has decided to fight for your child - the alleged contents of their quarrel publish an all-out American tabloids. Quite a large number of anonymous friends of Bristol provides information on the subject. - She told her mother that he is a grown woman and can now do whatever he wants - one of them said. What do think about was the governor of Alaska? It is not known.

Pregnancy, career, cutting the umbilical cord

Sarah Palin gave birth to five children. After the pace of her political career was significantly decreased in the political commentator and studio. Why is it went to Bristol 'Dancing with the Stars' and has been a celebrity? The world learned of its existence during his presidential campaign in 2008. Then John McCain, the Republican candidate has announced publicly that the 17-year-old daughter, Sarah Palin, who won the election in the event was to be vice president of the U.S. - is five months pregnant. The teenager said he did not intend to remove the child, and plans to marry his father, 18-year old Levi Johnston.

The event made a great pro-life campaign. A presidential candidate Barack Obama himself admitted that his mother also was 18 years old, when he was born. Bristol soon became a celebrity. Its fate followed the entire United States, was so popular that suggested her performance in 'Dancing with the Stars'. Her dance partner was an outspoken gay.

is often the case that daughters are more tolerant than their parents and kindred before Barbara Bush endorsed gay marriage but her father is the opponent who was fighting to ban same-sex marriage in the constitution of the American only managed to introduce him to the dormers prohibition. Likewise, McCain was the candidate's daughter it takes same-sex marriage.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Anglican Church urges the government to limit the increase in births in Australia

Bishops: Stop becikowe . The Anglican Church in Australia has an idea on how to limit population growth in this country: to eliminate the baby bonus and to stop immigration - tells Hierarchs think this is the only effective way to reduce Australia's projected population growth to 2050 by 60 percent. They argue that as soon as possible to eliminate all bonuses and incentives for having children. They claim that the need to limit immigration. Favorably considered only for refugees and those who are seeking family reunification. Should ask ourselves whether the current population growth is equitable for future generations of Australians who will be forced to live in crowded cities, stand in traffic commuting to work and home, breathe polluted air - ask the hierarchs.

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gays and lesbians it will be easier a wedding

USC officials will no longer be able to refuse to issue the necessary certificates to those who want to enter into same-sex marriage or partnership relationship abroad.

Head Ministry will release a new model certificate, which is necessary to marry and abroad. There will be no lines in it where you need to enter the future spouse - learned " Gazeta Wyborcza." If you typed the applicant where the persons of the same sex, it happened that the civil officials refused to issue a certificate of capacity to marry.

This certificate is necessary if one wants to conclude a relationship abroad - says "GW." - Work is already underway, will be the new standard certificate without the section concerning the future spouse - Ministry of Interior informed the editorial office spokeswoman Margaret Wozniak.

His satisfaction with the fact that he shared with the newspaper Szypuła Thomas, chairman of the Campaign Against Homophobia, Warsaw USC who previously refused to issue the certificate.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Jesus stand among us
vibrant, radiating love
With traces of wounds on the body
say "Peace be with you"
welcome your peace and love!
This is our source of life
From it we can give it to drink all thirsty ...
Now that you have overcome death
experience is worth everything we go ahead
With glowing hearts full of joy and

blessed Resurrection wish the participants the group Faith and Rainbow and Lesbians and gay men in defense of life.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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resurrection of Jesus Christ returns to the scene Abortion issue of abortion, which in Europe has a low political debate, came back as a hot topic-wedge in the United States, immediately arousing bitter and sometimes violent debate that goes with short intervals between the opponents and supporters of abortion rights for many decades.

The trapped between the warring parties - the conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats - were women. Their reproductive system, their bodies, their health. (...)

This time, the budget of the United States will shape the Republicans who are on the shoulders of activists from the Tea Party, representing fresh blood in the fight against abortion, won elections in 2010.

objecting to raising the taxes to increase state revenues, the Conservatives are determined to cut spending on social programs associated with the policy of the Democratic Party - ranging from education to health care finishing. Among them, one of the most abhorrent for a hard-line supporters of Planned Parenthood (Planned Parenthood), who consider abortion a machine nourished by federal money.

Even during the debates on the budget, Republicans have graced the Planned Parenthood as doomed to extinction. Last week they won the vote in the Chamber of Deputies. On Saturday, however, lost in the Senate, where Democrats still have the majority.

But that's not the end of the battle.

In the debates preceding the vote in Congress, prominent Republicans have spared no effort to demonize Planned Parenthood. Michele Bachmann, aspiring to the presidency of conservative from Minnesota, described the program as "a great LensCrafters abortion," referring to an international company selling prescription glasses.

difficult to explain how the Bachmann came to this conclusion.

First, Planned Parenthood does not even exist until such coverage. Second, as is clear from his report for the years 2008-2009 receives about 363 million U.S. dollars from state coffers. Not a penny of that there can be - in accordance with the law - intended to cover the cost of abortion, which is, moreover, only 3 percent. All services offered under the program. The organization is also involved in the prescription of contraception, giving advice on family planning, carrying out research to assist in detecting cancer, such as mammography, or sexually transmitted diseases.

Of course, this debate does not end just about the money or the Republicans rush to reform social programs in a good cause to reduce the deficit.

argument are also the values, principles and prejudices, which in recent years - when the conservatives were focused on tax and economic issues - last in the background.

However, when the course began to pave the Tea Party, the issue of abortion had to put out. (...)

But how did the fever liquidation Planned Parenthood? After all, abortion is only a small fraction of his business, so do not go at it with a penny of state money. In addition, according to CNN research, supports Planned Parenthood 65 percent. Americans. So why conservatives are so determined?

"The fact is that 95 per cent. Contraceptives available on the market kills the unborn child" - said Jim Sedlak of American Life League. In other words, part of the anti-abortion activists consider abortion as a form of contraception. Therefore, in their eyes, Planned Parenthood is involved in the ears of abortion.

"Just throw everything into one box with the word 'abortion'" - says senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington.

In the thickening atmosphere of speeches criticizing Planned Parenthood takes the form of all kinds - from funny to absurd.

For example, in the program "Fox & Friends" panelist is trying to diminish the role of Planned Parenthood has suggested that most of the supplied under the services - counseling, breast screening and cytology - can be found at Walgreens, a national network of pharmacies.

"Did you know that Walgreens can be performed in a Pap test?" - Joked later in his program satirical Stephen Colbert.

In New York, where Margaret Sanger founded the first Fingersex Planned Parenthood in 1916, the rate of abortions is one of the highest in the United States: 40 percent is disposed of. all pregnancies. The national average is 20 percent.

statistics and conclusions, which they arise, they seem to provide arguments for both sides of the debate. Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan calls to take actions that will lead to a reduction in the number of abortions in the city (approximately 90,000 annually). Group of feminists, while strongly oppose any attempts to restrict abortion rights, najłagodniejszego in the United States.

Ultimately, however, it is these statistics are the most personal and emotional component of the abortion debate. They show how serious and painful it is a problem.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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katoliczek 99% use contraception increases abortion

you do not do anything with the Vatican's orders . The use of contraception among American women religious is the norm. Catholic women protect themselves from the U.S. as often as women believers - reported Guttmacher Institute The report shows that 99 per cent. all women have ever used the contraceptive method other than that recommended by the Vatican, natural method. Among katoliczek this percentage is much lower and amounts to 98 percent. Only 2 percent. tested is based on natural methods of family planning. This also applies to women practitioners who go to church once a month or more often. It turns out that, according to Americans contraception and religion do not conflict - said Rachel K. Jones, author of the report.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Women massively interrupt pregnancies e. Until 34 thousand. abortions performed last year in Bulgarian hospitals. Most women, 20 thousand., Pregnancy was interrupted at his own request. The number of illegal abortion, family planning associations estimate of 12 thousand. year. Doctors say that zajwisko abortion is simply massive, because the Bulgarians are afraid of birth control pills. They consider that cause obesity. Already reaches the number of abortions from 1960 to 1970 percent. number of births. Meanwhile, in Bulgaria continue to decrease in the number of population (on average about 0.7 percent. Per year). Abortions are among the main causes of infertility and cause such a long queue of couples seeking IVF. Such trouble is over 200 thousand. marriages - add doctors. Experts have recently launched a family planning campaign that will raise the sexual culture of the last class of students and the Roma minority. Minority groups are particularly difficult to control. It was created for them a special program to inform about contraception, but the bias in these environments are particularly durable - said Milko Sirakow, gynecological clinic.

strange country where abortion is accepted, but not homosexuality. Homosexual love is evil, but killing the children good. Country where religion is dominated by the Orthodox church, the more accept such behavior does not protest, but homosexuality is still organize protests. During parades in Bulgaria are Fight pseudo fans, the Orthodox Church versus homosexuals.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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In Asia, due to selective abortion, lack of women

Soon the continent of Asia will be frustrated men , aggressive and unfulfilled, for which a prostitute is the only chance to meet with a woman. In countries such as China, India or South Korea can be affected by the consequences of selective abortion, which is the elimination of female fetuses. Research on this subject conducted the London University.

In South Korea, thanks to the prevalence of prenatal tests, through which one could determine fetal gender and to kill unwanted girl, already in the 90s gave rise to statistically 125 boys per 100 girls. Similar "results" reach India as well, especially in the north, and China, where gender segregation tends to further the policy of "one child" and forced abortions. In some regions of the country boys are born as much as 30 percent. more. If someone decides, despite restrictions on the second child, in practice it is almost always a son. Therefore, in China as early as in 2005 among children and young people under 20 year old girls were about 32 million less than the boys.

research from scientists in London, for 20 years in these countries, Asia's population will exceed the population of men, women with 10 or even 20 percent. British scientists warn that this could lead to unprecedented social phenomena, including the development of organized crime. The main beneficiary of a society without women will be sure erotic industry, which will be preyed on the unmet aspirations of Asians who have not had the opportunity to establish family.

India already fighting it. If there were no girls, there would be boginek

Monday, April 4, 2011

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Women who live near roads harm your child

Women who live the highways and main roads are much more likely to premature birth. The more cars passing in the vicinity of the risk is higher - according to new research conducted in Australia. The duration of their pregnancy is reduced by an average of 4.4 percent., An increase of almost two weeks - said Professor Adrian Barnett of Queensland University of Technology's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation. Danger occurs when the pregnant women living at a distance less than 400 meters from the highway. It is by air pollution and noise. Pregnant ladies should also resign from driving their own autemi often choose public transport. That will provide their children a better start in life - Adrian Barnett adds. Previous studies have shown a strong correlation between the increase in air pollution and the small size of the fetus. Doctors also point out that premature babies are more vulnerable to death and disability.

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They call for a boycott of Pepsi. In defense of fetuses

Christians vs. corporations. American Christian organization Children of God for Life calls for a boycott of PepsiCo, Kraft Foods and Nestle. According to activists, corporations, these compromises collaboration with biotechnology company Senomyx. It is accused by Christians of their use in studies of cells derived from aborted fetuses. The services of the company ceased to use the popular producer in the U.S. Campbell's soup. Pepsi ensure that cooperation with Senomyx is limited and does not intend to break it - tells Children of God for Life calls on corporations to flood the e-mails with expressions of opposition and cancellation with the purchase of its products.