"Heaven Is for Real" ("The sky is really"
Onet.pl / New York City : The boy mentioned that in heaven he met his younger sister, dark-haired girl similar to her older sister Cassie. Seeing the puzzled parents, he asked his mother: "You had a child who died in your stomach, right?".
Burpo Colton, the son of evangelical preacher of the Church of Imperial, Nebraska, two months before her fourth birthday, he was suddenly on the operating table with a ruptured appendix. Some time later, the boy told an astonishing story: you see during the operation died and gone to heaven, where he met his great-grandfather, the biblical Samson, John the Baptist and Jesus, whose eyes were the color of sea blue and shimmered like, "recalled 11-year-old out of Colton.
Colton's father, Todd, has described a vision of his son in the 163-page book, "Heaven Is for Real" ("Heaven is real") that surprisingly became a hit in the U.S. winter, winning the best-seller lists by storm, and dispersing hundreds of thousands of copies .
Publisher Thomas Nelson of Nashville, Tennessee, officers beat his record sales. The first print run was 40,000 copies, but since the book launch in November, ordered as many as 22 Reprints and spent a total of more than 1.5 million copies. At the bestseller list, "New York Times" in the category of non-fiction in paperback, "Heaven Is for Real" last occupied the first place.
Success book largely driven by advertising whispering, the title was not in fact a typical bestseller promotion: not organized a big tour author and publisher and the author's name were not particularly well known. The publication, however, has gained renown through wzmiankom in popular television shows such as "Fox & Friends" and "The 700 Club" and on CNN.
book sold well in national bookstore chains like Barnes & Noble, as well as in the Christian niche shops, shows Matt Baugher, vice president and editor of Thomas Nelson. It is also promoted in supermarkets such as Wal-Mart, and churches and pastoral groups consist of increasing orders.
- Perhaps we all want to know what awaits us on the other side, when we die - Baugher said, adding that at first was skeptical of the family stories Burpo, but quickly changed his mind. - It's a very sensible, conservative, very normal family from the Midwest. We came to the conclusion that their story is absolutely credible. And besides, we were convinced that the will of the people.
book instantly became a hit on the network and Barnes & Noble occupies one of the leading places on the bestseller list at bn.com. The person selects the titles for the department of religion at once delighted to get the story and ordered copies for each store network in the country, suggests Patricia Bostelman, Barnes & Noble vice president of marketing.
- Among the books on religious themes are many stories about the paradise experience in the state of clinical death and the afterlife - Bostelman adds, admitting that several other books of the "heaven" in the title has sold quite well recently. - But this is unusual because it tells the story of a little boy. When adults show a similar relationship, readers typically respond much more cynical, and accused the authors of trying to earn wealth for their alleged apparitions.
Todd Burpo wrote a book with the assistance of Lynn Vincent, co-author of memoirs, "Going Rogue" Sarah Palin. Burpo, pastor of Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Imperial, rural village in southwestern Nebraska, admitted in an interview that has already met with criticism. - People say that we did it for money, but it's not true - Burpo says, referring to anonymous comments about the book on the Internet. - Do not expect success. We were just hoping that the publisher will come out on their own. (He announced that a large part intends to distribute royalties in need, and the rest spent on home improvements.)
Todd and his wife, Sonja, from the beginning to the end they did not believe his son, who began to describe his vision of only a few months after the sudden illness and a history of operations in 2003. Burpo argues that convinced them the details of his story. Colton mentioned that in heaven he met his younger sister, dark-haired girl similar to her older sister Cassie. Seeing the puzzled parents, he asked his mother: "You had a child who died in your stomach, right?". Burpo acknowledges that a few years earlier his wife had a miscarriage, but not talked about that Coltonowi. - He could not know about it - gives father.
Burpo you add that Colton images accurately described what he saw in the sky - for example, bloody wounds on the hands of Jesus - and I had never seen before.
boy's parents finally decided to share this story with others outside their town. Burpo began to cite it in their Sunday sermons to the faithful. Pastor friend contacted them with Joel Kneedlerem of Alive Communications, a Christian literary agent from Colorado Springs. Kneedler proposed contract for the publication of a book publisher Thomas Nelson, known for his religious titles such as "40 days with Jesus" Sara Young. The advance was over $ 10,000.
List Price $ 16.99 This book, although at Amazon.com you can buy a 9.34 dollar. In bookstores Barbara's Bookstore, an independent network operating mainly in the Chicago area, the book takes first place in the nonfiction bestseller list. Greg Sato, manager of one of the branch, says that interest in it clearly increased in mid-February.
- When it comes to fiction, I often ask clients about this position - indicate Sato. - "Heaven Is for Real" is like a book, Oprah Winfrey, only more religious and spiritual.
Colton, fair-haired boy with a round face on the cover of the book, now plays the piano and trumpet, is fascinated with Greek mythology, listens to Christian rock and a fan of football teams from Nebraska.
Colton tells his story objectively and without emotion. As he says, it is nice that readers will recognize it as inspiring. - For those people will come blessings that heal their wounds - he adds. - Very very happy.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Madrid protesting against the pro-abortion statute
From 130 thousand. to 160 thousand. people gathered in the English capital, Madrid, to protest the new law on abortion. In addition, hundreds of people carried out the march of life in more than 80 English cities, including: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bOviedo and Zaragoza Las Palmas.
streets of Madrid have undergone thousands of children, adolescents, older people and families. They wanted a demonstration in support of the English manifesto defining abortion as "cruel hypocrisy against women." Participants signed a protest petition, which demanded that the English right to defend life "at all times and circumstances" and helped women whose pregnancy was not planned.
are gathered here today for a fair case - the defense of human life - the doctor said Gador Joya, a representative of the organization "Right to Life." - We are here to once again return to the heart of democracy and the dignity of every human being. Finally, we are here because We do not accept the transformation of life the most vulnerable people in the political experiments - she added.
From 130 thousand. to 160 thousand. people gathered in the English capital, Madrid, to protest the new law on abortion. In addition, hundreds of people carried out the march of life in more than 80 English cities, including: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bOviedo and Zaragoza Las Palmas.
streets of Madrid have undergone thousands of children, adolescents, older people and families. They wanted a demonstration in support of the English manifesto defining abortion as "cruel hypocrisy against women." Participants signed a protest petition, which demanded that the English right to defend life "at all times and circumstances" and helped women whose pregnancy was not planned.
are gathered here today for a fair case - the defense of human life - the doctor said Gador Joya, a representative of the organization "Right to Life." - We are here to once again return to the heart of democracy and the dignity of every human being. Finally, we are here because We do not accept the transformation of life the most vulnerable people in the political experiments - she added.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
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Now that's real woman
When we think that in life we've heard everything, do not imagine that people with a true sense of critique can expose feelings that we Brazilians would like to one day be able to do so.
This reporter got in his presentation that many do not dare.
Check out the video and leave your opinion.

When we think that in life we've heard everything, do not imagine that people with a true sense of critique can expose feelings that we Brazilians would like to one day be able to do so.
This reporter got in his presentation that many do not dare.
Check out the video and leave your opinion.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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Judgement for the fetus
kampaniespoleczne.pl: Drinking alcohol by a pregnant woman can affect the child's life. Advertising campaign conducted in May this year. in South Africa shows how often looks like adult children, whose fate was no longer decisive in utero. Three silhouettes
collapsed helplessly in a fetal position: a prisoner, a prostitute and drug addict. All three suffer from FAS (Alcohol Group Fetus), which is a consequence of alcohol abuse by women during pregnancy. Besides physical defects, evident soon after birth, this syndrome can also cause irreversible mental damage, which occur only in adulthood.
"Drinking During pregnancy it can take years Affect Your Baby" ("Alcohol consumption during pregnancy has on your child's deferred effect") has warned the campaign slogan. Quoted in the campaign statistics clearly indicate that children with FAS show much more prone to risky sexual behavior, crime and alcohol and drug abuse in adulthood.
Broadcasters campaign appeal to mothers, "Do the right thing for child's sake. Do not Drink During pregnancy" ("Do what must be for the sake of her child. Do not drink during pregnancy")
creations prepared by agency Lowe Bull Cape Town on behalf of the organization Sance, whose business is to prevent and treat alcohol and drugs. Currently, it creates a network of 31 centers in 9 provinces help South Africa.
kampaniespoleczne.pl: Drinking alcohol by a pregnant woman can affect the child's life. Advertising campaign conducted in May this year. in South Africa shows how often looks like adult children, whose fate was no longer decisive in utero. Three silhouettes
collapsed helplessly in a fetal position: a prisoner, a prostitute and drug addict. All three suffer from FAS (Alcohol Group Fetus), which is a consequence of alcohol abuse by women during pregnancy. Besides physical defects, evident soon after birth, this syndrome can also cause irreversible mental damage, which occur only in adulthood.
"Drinking During pregnancy it can take years Affect Your Baby" ("Alcohol consumption during pregnancy has on your child's deferred effect") has warned the campaign slogan. Quoted in the campaign statistics clearly indicate that children with FAS show much more prone to risky sexual behavior, crime and alcohol and drug abuse in adulthood.
Broadcasters campaign appeal to mothers, "Do the right thing for child's sake. Do not Drink During pregnancy" ("Do what must be for the sake of her child. Do not drink during pregnancy")
creations prepared by agency Lowe Bull Cape Town on behalf of the organization Sance, whose business is to prevent and treat alcohol and drugs. Currently, it creates a network of 31 centers in 9 provinces help South Africa.
Monday, March 21, 2011
How Much Unisom Is Too Much
If there were no girls, there would be no high school pregnancies boginek
kampaniespoleczne.pl: selection of embryos based on sex is not permitted in India, but still widely used practice, there is abortion of female fetuses. In the light of data that gives UNICEF, every day is made in India, approximately 7 thousand. such abortions. Against this type of practice was organized in the early days of January 2008 "calendaring" campaign.
rozdawanym main prop in the campaign were popular in India calendars. From each of them removed the image of Hindu goddess. The slogan "Do not abort the one's you worship" ("Do not give abortion of those who worship") emphasized the important role of women. The goal that we've put the creator of the campaign was to change the widely espoused views on abortion.
in Indian culture for centuries are favored male offspring, including due to lower financial resources, they must submit the on their education and preparation for adult life (after all, a dowry is not necessary.) Having a son in India is widely seen as the smile of fate. Abortion of female fetuses is a phenomenon occurring with highest density in rural areas and smaller towns, where in 1000 only 881 men, women. In the largest Indian cities, social awareness is slowly evolving - more and more people begin to see life as a girl as valuable as the boy's life, but stressed that much still needs to be done yet in this direction.
Stepping up the fight with the practice of abortion of female fetuses is from July 2007, when he was President of India Pratibha Patil.
kampaniespoleczne.pl: selection of embryos based on sex is not permitted in India, but still widely used practice, there is abortion of female fetuses. In the light of data that gives UNICEF, every day is made in India, approximately 7 thousand. such abortions. Against this type of practice was organized in the early days of January 2008 "calendaring" campaign.
rozdawanym main prop in the campaign were popular in India calendars. From each of them removed the image of Hindu goddess. The slogan "Do not abort the one's you worship" ("Do not give abortion of those who worship") emphasized the important role of women. The goal that we've put the creator of the campaign was to change the widely espoused views on abortion.
in Indian culture for centuries are favored male offspring, including due to lower financial resources, they must submit the on their education and preparation for adult life (after all, a dowry is not necessary.) Having a son in India is widely seen as the smile of fate. Abortion of female fetuses is a phenomenon occurring with highest density in rural areas and smaller towns, where in 1000 only 881 men, women. In the largest Indian cities, social awareness is slowly evolving - more and more people begin to see life as a girl as valuable as the boy's life, but stressed that much still needs to be done yet in this direction.
Stepping up the fight with the practice of abortion of female fetuses is from July 2007, when he was President of India Pratibha Patil.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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Another series of documentary "high school pregnancies 2 " , which describes the actions of young mothers. The girls are preparing for a new role. According to statistics, three out of ten American women in pregnancy is less than 20 years. This only confirms the scale of the problem and the fact that the problems addressed in the program are still valid.
MTV cameras accompany future mums for a few months of life , watching their problems, joys and sorrows and the difficulties faced by girls on their way - conflicts with the fathers of children, lack of acceptance on the part of the next and difficult decisions that will have to be taken before the child arrives at the world. Teenagers have to face the decisions that are prejudicial to their future. These include adoption, abandonment of the school, providing you and your child to live on.
Premiere program: since Feb. 26 in the chair. 16:30
Issue: Sunday g.16.30
Meet the new hero of the program:
very clever program tells the good fight against evil, thanks to the Jesus coming out of prostitution. also speaks of the mentality of people that judge these women it's their fault that they are prostitutes, but it is not been forced to sell up.
Another series of documentary "high school pregnancies 2 " , which describes the actions of young mothers. The girls are preparing for a new role. According to statistics, three out of ten American women in pregnancy is less than 20 years. This only confirms the scale of the problem and the fact that the problems addressed in the program are still valid.
MTV cameras accompany future mums for a few months of life , watching their problems, joys and sorrows and the difficulties faced by girls on their way - conflicts with the fathers of children, lack of acceptance on the part of the next and difficult decisions that will have to be taken before the child arrives at the world. Teenagers have to face the decisions that are prejudicial to their future. These include adoption, abandonment of the school, providing you and your child to live on.
Premiere program: since Feb. 26 in the chair. 16:30
Issue: Sunday g.16.30
Meet the new hero of the program:
beloved daughter of her parents. He lives with his mother in Colorado. Her father and sister are constantly changing place of residence because of job in the military. Despite the warnings of friends, Megan begins to meet with Natan. Mother lets boy to move into their basement. Game ends when the light goes out, the girl became pregnant. School and work without the boy is not able to maintain the family. There feels responsible for his new family. Megan is left alone just when most needed support ...
This blogger from Texas, who - like Catelynn season with a program - chose adoption for her daughter. After the child's father disappeared from their lives, Ashley went through the process of adoption itself. During the formalities, everyone close to her bringing the girl reborn baby alien. Aunt teenagers and her husband wanted to adopt a baby even, but Ashley had doubts whether the role of "cousin" will be her reply ...
Imprezowowiczka from Arizona. After that, her boyfriend Brandon lost his job, leaves him and moves to Washington to Arizona. Temporarily resides with her grandmother. Brandon tries to find a job, and Aubrey wants to go back to school to ensure a better future for the family. Girl loves shopping, but also realizes that if you are a child, along with Brandon will have to save, to ensure your child the best life.
is pampered by his large family living in Texas. They are all very proud of her because the only one in the family has a chance to finish high school . Friends say that this is a quiet and shy girl, but after two years of relationship with her boyfriend - Alena, Felicia pregnant. Girl tries to reconcile being a mother of science. But it is not easy when you have eight-person family.
grew up in a small town in Alabama. This is a local beauty queen who trample on local competitions. Kayla also loves horseback riding with his father and hunt with her boyfriend, JR'em. Daddy's Little Girl has grown up quickly, however, because expecting a baby. After oświadczynach girl realizes she does not know whether it is ready to grow up. She would like to enjoy a carefree life as long as possible.
This intelligent, independent student Alabama . Her boyfriend - Daniel, met the team, in which both played. When she discovered that the baby is born before the end of the school, her mother threw her out of the house, to give an example of his younger sister Emily ... Girl introduced so to her father's house. Daniel and Emily try to create a successful relationship and will soon live together. Will they succeed?
She moved to Alabama recently. Long was unable to acclimate to a new location. In addition, she discovered that she is pregnancy. Christina and her partner Isiah take so secretly married. They both go to local schools instead of aspiring to get into a private university. Isiah'a parents get mad when they discover that the boy gave up sports scholarship. Christina feels guilty. While the expectant mother is trying to acclimate to her husband's parents' house, he takes a completely trivial things and spends money.
Participated in motor racing since she was 7 years old, but now - when expecting a baby, he must "reduce speed". The decision to get married with the father of the child, Cody, destroying their dreams of a carefree life in high school. Instead of spending time on the racetrack, Brooke reads books about motherhood, while Cody is working at the store. She desperately wants to finish school - so Cody will have to stay home to take care of the child.
Party Girl from Florida. Met with James, but both of them had associated with him any plans for the future. When it turns out that the girl is pregnant, they both begin to think about the common life. Mother Markai consent to a boy lived in her home, provided that they will find a job and finish school Markai. But it is not easy for a girl, given that her belly is getting bigger, and James, despite his age, still behaving irresponsibly.
¿s high school photos 2 (cycle 2) 2 (cycle 2) with a dark past. Las Vegas is called the world capital of entertainment in the minds of most people, operates as a city of luxury hotels and casinos at night by thousands of rozświetlanych colorful neon signs. However, the city of sin is also a dark side to sex business, in which thousands of women involved are selling their bodies every day. For many, prostitution is not a conscious choice, but compulsion, who introduced them into the hands of organized criminals. Few women manage to escape from this trap. Subscribers series 'torn streets' meet with Annie Lobert, a reformed prostitute and founder of the organization "Hookers for Jesus', which after 16 years in the sex business has decided to change my life and it even helps other women in the network zaplątanym prostitution. In addition to Annie in the series also appears in three ward: retracted in the bleak underworld by his cousin, 19-year-old Dessire, hiding from the pimps and the mafia Audrey Regina, who was forced into prostitution by her boyfriend.
'plucked from the street aired on TLC channel on Wednesdays at 22.30 (from February 23).
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Pearls Events Police

After receiving an email from a friend, could not fail to share these pearls found in police reports. Check
and leave if you are able to laugh .
and leave if you are able to laugh .
"Lord delegation, was received at the Emergency Municipal citizen, victim of" laughter. "Laughter" in the chest, face and back. Here is attached a "bottleneck" of bottle (Is not it BOTTLENECKS ) "
" The vehicle during the accident, had smashed into the bumper and front fenders, and we could not gather better data because the victim have fled at a gallop. "(It was a trampling of horse)
" The driver was arrested on the spot to be driving at speed "incombátivel" with the local "(What to think).
" occurred " abarroamento people. " "The conducted, apart from noise, yet cursed with all the words with a lower echelon." (Well .. in our country, everything is a matter of rank)
"We cover the ambulance to conduct a" mental debt "to the PSM." (You can guess who is with mental speed?)
"The driver endangering people's safety because he was giving "horse london" in the street ... "(That Paul ... who is Paul?)
" When they arrived, found the victim lying on the ground, apparently having committed "murder against himself." (That one believes in reincarnation, eh?)
" The vehicle during the accident, had smashed into the bumper and front fenders, and we could not gather better data because the victim have fled at a gallop. "(It was a trampling of horse)
" The driver was arrested on the spot to be driving at speed "incombátivel" with the local "(What to think).
" occurred " abarroamento people. " "The conducted, apart from noise, yet cursed with all the words with a lower echelon." (Well .. in our country, everything is a matter of rank)
"We cover the ambulance to conduct a" mental debt "to the PSM." (You can guess who is with mental speed?)
"The driver endangering people's safety because he was giving "horse london" in the street ... "(That Paul ... who is Paul?)
" When they arrived, found the victim lying on the ground, apparently having committed "murder against himself." (That one believes in reincarnation, eh?)
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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What a woman needs more than the man
Women are the majority of Brazilian population living in a period longer than men, suffer from major illnesses such as
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), homicide, car accidents, neoplasms of digestive organs, Breast Cancer, AIDS, heart disease, hypertension, cancer of the cervix and Diabetes.
With the advent of modern food, new diseases contribute to increase these diseases, one of which, obesity is directly linked to heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.
Some foods must be present in the diet of women, which contribute to a better balance of body, they are:
Meat - It is good source of protein, responsible for training, and maintenance of tissue oxygenation.
Vegetable - The phytochemicals from vegetables, fruits and vegetables are allies of the reduced risk of breast cancer and uterine cervix.
Fish - Helps to prevent heart disease, in reducing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and blood pressure.
Calcium - Prevents osteoporosis, take dairy products with reduced fat content, which are rich in protein calcium and less fattening.
Water and Fiber - Please hormones women suffer more from constipation, invest in a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and of course the ingestion of at least two liters of water daily , which helps eliminate toxins through the kidneys.

Women are the majority of Brazilian population living in a period longer than men, suffer from major illnesses such as
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), homicide, car accidents, neoplasms of digestive organs, Breast Cancer, AIDS, heart disease, hypertension, cancer of the cervix and Diabetes.
With the advent of modern food, new diseases contribute to increase these diseases, one of which, obesity is directly linked to heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.
Some foods must be present in the diet of women, which contribute to a better balance of body, they are:
Meat - It is good source of protein, responsible for training, and maintenance of tissue oxygenation.
Vegetable - The phytochemicals from vegetables, fruits and vegetables are allies of the reduced risk of breast cancer and uterine cervix.
Fish - Helps to prevent heart disease, in reducing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and blood pressure.
Calcium - Prevents osteoporosis, take dairy products with reduced fat content, which are rich in protein calcium and less fattening.
Water and Fiber - Please hormones women suffer more from constipation, invest in a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and of course the ingestion of at least two liters of water daily , which helps eliminate toxins through the kidneys.
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