Sunday, April 18, 2010

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Bereavement - The silence will not be our shroud

Bereavement - The silence will not be our shroud

still mourning over. For a while I could not post it. Every day a story, a topic on another blog called me to attention, started the post and then the canceling because while some emails from people - women and men, persecuted, quiet, angry, isolated and asylum seekers came to me in first person, with a cry for support and solidarity. Each tells his walks on trails winding of justice, in desperate search for safety and security. Each of these people told her story and impossible not to reach, at least for me, with their reports.
Where to start, talk by whom? Who really is sensitive? And
them and they insisted: Talk, report what happens!
this period in our country we have many cases and issues that have stirred the nation's life, all worthy of wide dissemination and it was done by many of those who speak for us. Trials, violence, pedophilia, corruption, politicians in power, floods, deaths of all kinds, violence in all its qualifications, a lot of violence against women
But many managed to bury their dead, others do not ... They and they walk in mourning.
Physical and moral crimes are burying thousands, even those who apparently live among us physically. They walk into another life suffocated by having tight hands apparently were indignant at the crimes that were committed against them.
In many
If they had broken their legs would drag
If they had cut their hands, they would use branches
If they had stuck their eyes, see with branches
But for many, many crime was higher, have not fulfilled their constitutional rights and many are still haunted by clamor for them.
Bereavement remains for being brilliant and bright who left our country by tragedy
Bereavement remains by the debacle in our country
Bereavement remains for those who buried their dead
Bereavement remains the failure of society
Bereavement remains for those who live with their nightmares and abandonment
Bereavement remains
Silence will not shroud!
not be the land of the land that Brazil bury the voices clamoring for their rights.
Ana Maria C. Bruni

Monday, April 12, 2010

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Brasileiras, speak for Mariá Afiuni arrested in Venezuela

Afiuni María, a woman who begs Chavez
Only now, four months later, the story of Magistrate jailed for Venezuelan Hugo Chavez, to grant habeas corpus to another political prisoner, is gaining ground in mainstream media. Threatened by a verbal condemnation of President Hugo Chavez to a penalty of 30 years, with the caveat that the law must be changed to reach him and that if they were other times she would be shot, because the judge granted a habeas corpus to a political prisoner.

Photo: Meridith Kohut / The New York Times

A makeshift shrine at the home of Judge in Caracas, his co photo: hope that a miracle happens and international pressure resulting in their release of

Toinho Passira
Sources: O Globo , The New York Times

To date, no judicial authority, law or human rights in Brazil, dedicated to support any Venezuelan judge, María Lourdes Afiuni incarcerated in a maximum security prison, with the companion of imprisonment at least 24 condemned women. Already tried by fire in his cell. She did not sunbathe, does not participate in other activities in prison to not be killed.

Earlier this month the American newspaper The New York Times told the story of his arrest and absurd, illegal and arbitrary shouting determined by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, on TV, and on the trail of American Journal, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo on Sunday, 12, gave him a space as the more complex situation, among other women being pursued by the Venezuelan government.

What we read often know more than once, "thepassiranew" recorded the absurdity of the fact, in several posts, including one that sums up the whole issue published in the International Women's Day. We transcribe the text published by the newspaper O Globo, in relation to the judge.

National Institute of Feminine Orientation is a maximum security prison in Los Teques, a city dominated by poverty, an hour from Caracas. In the prison are held 600 women, mostly for crimes including ordering the killing or kill her husband, drug trafficking, infanticide.

is there that is also tied, since December 10, Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni to whom President Hugo Chavez called for a penalty of 30 years and over who said "be lucky to live today, because in other times would be shot. " The case, considered another of Chavez's political prison, has touched the public opinion and international human rights organizations. The GLOBE

spoke with the judge arrested and three other women that Chavez would certainly like to silence: the politics Delsa Solorzano, who emerges as a strong name of the opposition; Eveling Rosales, the wife of one of his main political opponents in exile, and the actress Fabiola Colmenares, former Miss away from TV after publicly criticizing the government. Of the 600

women who are being held in Los Teques, 24 were sentenced by Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni until December 2009 in possession of a court of Caracas. On the 10th of that month, Afiuni granted parole to the banker Eligio Cedeño, a dislike of Chavez "to fund political opposition and was on probation for three years without have been tried on corruption charges. Afiuni account which based its decision in the absence of evidence and the fact that the UN consider the arbitrary detention.

Soon after Cedeño leave the court - he is now in the U.S. - the judge was arrested on charges of receiving $ 8 million to release him.

Photo: Reuters

According to the Reuters photo of Judge in prison was released by his lawyer, who must have done surreptitiously using a camera phone.

- I never had an account abroad, have scoured the accounts of my family here, the money does not exist. Meanwhile, I turn to keep my sanity. Four months ago, do not leave this room, I see the sun - tells the judge of 46 years, whose case was strongly condemned and classified as a political prison by the UN Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, among others.

The cell is 4 feet long by 2 wide. Because other inmates deprived of their liberty in the past, Afiuni received several death threats - once tried to burn her alive. The solution is to never leave his cell, not participate in any activity with other prey, such as pottery class, music or exercise. His contact with the world is limited to visits from their family and friends weekly on Wednesday mornings and Sunday. Geraldine's daughter - a beautiful young woman of 17 years, says the judge - is the most affected.

- I've always been a single mother, she was used to me by your side. Moreover, it is a difficult phase that is adolescence, need me. Another problem is money: can not revoke my title of judge until I tried, but stopped my wages - said the magistrate.

She says she fears for her safety. The family says his older brother, Nelson Afiuni gets help from three lawyers who try to transfer her to house arrest in Caracas, at least until his trial that she did not know when. Nelson was in Washington last week, where he met with members of the IACHR.

- emocionadíssimos All were with the case, saying they had never seen anything like it in the world. A judge, a public servant, imprisoned as a criminal, without any evidence against her, without being judged. The justice and Venezuela are corrupted - Nelson protests, reporting that his home and the rest of the family were searched by agents - My sister always says one sentence: "To be good, it should not be a coward," and we try to apply it in everyday life.

Photo: Associated Press

When he learned of Habeas Corpus, his opponent, Hugo Chavez barked on TV that the judge should be jailed for 30 years, with the caveat if necessary the law could be changed to achieve it and if they were other times she would be shot

The magistrate waiting patiently a change. The voice is calm, but she says that sometimes gets very angry, and even angry. But then prays and seeks to entertain, basically reading: recently a biography of the Dalai Lama. Read the celebrity magazine "Hola", newspapers, novels, and have devoured "I think every self-help books that exist," as well as works devoted to the law. Anda very interested in learning more about the International Criminal Law.

- There comes a time in which to read for several hours is tiring, and I regret not being able to watch television or have Internet access. Everything here is prohibited.

least got permission to put a lock on his cell - "he who walks me ensuring more security and making me sleep a little better "- to paint the environment, which before was all stained with blood, making a bed and bathroom.

Even going through so much trouble, Afiuni not regret what you did because it assesses the arrest of a banker who freed as arbitrary. How hers?

- Yes, like mine, and all other political prisoners of Chavez. I knew that justice was being politicized in Venezuela. But I never imagined it would be arrested for doing my work independently and in accordance with my conscience.

- Play a judge in prison for doing their job, and make a decision to go through upon international and Venezuelan law is not something expected of a functioning democracy - criticized in the last week, Jose Miguel Vivace, Americas director for Human Rights Watch. - But once the government showed its disregard Chavez and his contempt for the principle of judicial freedom.

Vivanco also is worried because of the context of detention of Afiuni and "dramatic erosion of judicial independence" Venezuela's Chavez says and find it very difficult for the judge "has a fair trial."

María Afiuni says have hope, but confesses to rely more on international pressure than in the conduct of the Justice of his country. The word that best describes your state of mind, she says, is "deception."

"Women who want to shut up Chavez ' is the original title of an article written in The Globe, written by Timothy Mariana Costa
changed the title, add subtitle, suppress part of the text, focusing on the judge's Afiuni the others will be addressed at another time. Add photos and captions changed
Passira News From The via in Scene Two
Hugo Chavez ordered the arrest since December, Judge Maria Afiune, for having the courage to grant a habeas corpus to a political prisoner in Venezuela. Without respecting their rights, is withdrawn to a common jail, along with other prisoners who condemned without hope of release, threatened with death and without protection of law. Read more in The Pass News