Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mercruiser 350 Coil Wiring

Bereavement - The silence will not be our shroud

Bereavement - The silence will not be our shroud

still mourning over. For a while I could not post it. Every day a story, a topic on another blog called me to attention, started the post and then the canceling because while some emails from people - women and men, persecuted, quiet, angry, isolated and asylum seekers came to me in first person, with a cry for support and solidarity. Each tells his walks on trails winding of justice, in desperate search for safety and security. Each of these people told her story and impossible not to reach, at least for me, with their reports.
Where to start, talk by whom? Who really is sensitive? And
them and they insisted: Talk, report what happens!
this period in our country we have many cases and issues that have stirred the nation's life, all worthy of wide dissemination and it was done by many of those who speak for us. Trials, violence, pedophilia, corruption, politicians in power, floods, deaths of all kinds, violence in all its qualifications, a lot of violence against women
But many managed to bury their dead, others do not ... They and they walk in mourning.
Physical and moral crimes are burying thousands, even those who apparently live among us physically. They walk into another life suffocated by having tight hands apparently were indignant at the crimes that were committed against them.
In many
If they had broken their legs would drag
If they had cut their hands, they would use branches
If they had stuck their eyes, see with branches
But for many, many crime was higher, have not fulfilled their constitutional rights and many are still haunted by clamor for them.
Bereavement remains for being brilliant and bright who left our country by tragedy
Bereavement remains by the debacle in our country
Bereavement remains for those who buried their dead
Bereavement remains the failure of society
Bereavement remains for those who live with their nightmares and abandonment
Bereavement remains
Silence will not shroud!
not be the land of the land that Brazil bury the voices clamoring for their rights.
Ana Maria C. Bruni


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