Friends on the phone
- Hi, tell me how was your date last night
- Horrible, do not know what happened ...
- But why? Do not even give you a kiss?
- Yeah .. Kiss, kiss me. But kissed me so hard that my false teeth fell and the front lenses blue contact sprang from my eyes ...
- I do not day that ended up there?
- No, of course. Then he took my face between his hands until he had to ask not to do more, because the botox was flattening, and I bit his lips as if they were plastic ... Would blow up my collagen implant and almost out the hair extensions!
- E. .. He did not try anything else?
- Yes, it began to caress my legs and I stopped because I remembered that I had no time to shave. And besides, I snatched one with lust and was hugging me so hard he almost got my ass prostheses in his hands and burst my silicone breast.
- And then what happened?
- Ah, then began to drink champagne in my shoe ...
- Oh, how romantic!
- nothing romantic! He almost died!
- Why?
- Swallowed my bunion corrector with the insole heel.
- Wow, did he?
- Do you believe that he paintbrushes and gone?
- I think he's queer ...
(Luis Fernando Verissimo)
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