Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Petechiae Infant Petechiae 3 Month Old Infant?

Anglican Church urges the government to limit the increase in births in Australia

Bishops: Stop becikowe . The Anglican Church in Australia has an idea on how to limit population growth in this country: to eliminate the baby bonus and to stop immigration - tells Hierarchs think this is the only effective way to reduce Australia's projected population growth to 2050 by 60 percent. They argue that as soon as possible to eliminate all bonuses and incentives for having children. They claim that the need to limit immigration. Favorably considered only for refugees and those who are seeking family reunification. Should ask ourselves whether the current population growth is equitable for future generations of Australians who will be forced to live in crowded cities, stand in traffic commuting to work and home, breathe polluted air - ask the hierarchs.


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