resurrection of Jesus Christ returns to the scene Abortion issue of abortion, which in Europe has a low political debate, came back as a hot topic-wedge in the United States, immediately arousing bitter and sometimes violent debate that goes with short intervals between the opponents and supporters of abortion rights for many decades.
The trapped between the warring parties - the conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats - were women. Their reproductive system, their bodies, their health. (...)
This time, the budget of the United States will shape the Republicans who are on the shoulders of activists from the Tea Party, representing fresh blood in the fight against abortion, won elections in 2010.
objecting to raising the taxes to increase state revenues, the Conservatives are determined to cut spending on social programs associated with the policy of the Democratic Party - ranging from education to health care finishing. Among them, one of the most abhorrent for a hard-line supporters of Planned Parenthood (Planned Parenthood), who consider abortion a machine nourished by federal money.
Even during the debates on the budget, Republicans have graced the Planned Parenthood as doomed to extinction. Last week they won the vote in the Chamber of Deputies. On Saturday, however, lost in the Senate, where Democrats still have the majority.
But that's not the end of the battle.
In the debates preceding the vote in Congress, prominent Republicans have spared no effort to demonize Planned Parenthood. Michele Bachmann, aspiring to the presidency of conservative from Minnesota, described the program as "a great LensCrafters abortion," referring to an international company selling prescription glasses.
difficult to explain how the Bachmann came to this conclusion.
First, Planned Parenthood does not even exist until such coverage. Second, as is clear from his report for the years 2008-2009 receives about 363 million U.S. dollars from state coffers. Not a penny of that there can be - in accordance with the law - intended to cover the cost of abortion, which is, moreover, only 3 percent. All services offered under the program. The organization is also involved in the prescription of contraception, giving advice on family planning, carrying out research to assist in detecting cancer, such as mammography, or sexually transmitted diseases.
Of course, this debate does not end just about the money or the Republicans rush to reform social programs in a good cause to reduce the deficit.
argument are also the values, principles and prejudices, which in recent years - when the conservatives were focused on tax and economic issues - last in the background.
However, when the course began to pave the Tea Party, the issue of abortion had to put out. (...)
But how did the fever liquidation Planned Parenthood? After all, abortion is only a small fraction of his business, so do not go at it with a penny of state money. In addition, according to CNN research, supports Planned Parenthood 65 percent. Americans. So why conservatives are so determined?
"The fact is that 95 per cent. Contraceptives available on the market kills the unborn child" - said Jim Sedlak of American Life League. In other words, part of the anti-abortion activists consider abortion as a form of contraception. Therefore, in their eyes, Planned Parenthood is involved in the ears of abortion.
"Just throw everything into one box with the word 'abortion'" - says senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington.
In the thickening atmosphere of speeches criticizing Planned Parenthood takes the form of all kinds - from funny to absurd.
For example, in the program "Fox & Friends" panelist is trying to diminish the role of Planned Parenthood has suggested that most of the supplied under the services - counseling, breast screening and cytology - can be found at Walgreens, a national network of pharmacies.
"Did you know that Walgreens can be performed in a Pap test?" - Joked later in his program satirical Stephen Colbert.
In New York, where Margaret Sanger founded the first Fingersex Planned Parenthood in 1916, the rate of abortions is one of the highest in the United States: 40 percent is disposed of. all pregnancies. The national average is 20 percent.
statistics and conclusions, which they arise, they seem to provide arguments for both sides of the debate. Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan calls to take actions that will lead to a reduction in the number of abortions in the city (approximately 90,000 annually). Group of feminists, while strongly oppose any attempts to restrict abortion rights, najłagodniejszego in the United States.
Ultimately, however, it is these statistics are the most personal and emotional component of the abortion debate. They show how serious and painful it is a problem.
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