Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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The march of "life" of children

Gazeta Wyborcza : Children from the school Caritas wheels, which were to take part in Sunday's family picnic, were the manifestation of such wmanipulowane against in vitro, abortion and euthanasia. They carried banners saying, "In vitro - hidden abortion," "Not for in vitro", "Stop abortion." In the march, participants included representatives of the city

This year, the first time, traditionally organized by Caritas Rzeszow demonstration was preceded by a family picnic under the slogan "March for life and family." Jacek Kotula organizer with the Association "Rzeszow for Life" and "Kontra in vitro," explains its objectives: - In Warsaw, Poznan such marches are organized. And these Catholic Carpathian so far asleep. We wanted to protest against deprecjonowaniu and ridicule of family life by promoting the cat's paw, homosexual relationships, provide families with many children as pathological. Fight for his life against euthanasia, abortion and in vitro.

The demonstrations were among the other 11-12-year-old pupils from Primary School No 13 in Rzeszow. How to ensure Machniak director Barbara, parents of all of these students gave their written consent for their participation, some with children came to the demonstration. - From Recently at our school operates near Caritas. Is carried out by the new energetic sister, catechist, which promotes and sublime ideas, help others, looking at another man who is being harmed. It organized a sister out, I did not see nothing wrong with that. Caritas annually organizes family picnics, I thought that the students will participate in this very picnic, with nothing wrong I will not associate. Took with them a shield schools, such as take when they go to cheer on Podpromie hall or on the tour - says Barbara Machniak, but does not conceal that the context in which her students found themselves firmly established her surprise - Let adults manifested themselves what they want, children should not be so drawn.

Yes it is used for something other children say they are doing something else that is bigotry, not Undercutting otherwise promote the only hatred. Caritas has a long-shocked they have not quite help kindred members. Several years ago the abuse of a sum of at least 1.7 million zł detected in Plock Caritas State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities. Recently, the police found it in the computer of one of the priests working in the Płock branch of Caritas pedophile large collection of photos, which he turned on the internet. How to set "On", with both aferach learned Archbishop Stanislaw Wielgus, when he was bishop of Plock. And nothing in these cases did not. Are the documents falsified Caritas of Warsaw Archdiocese amount of funds from the homeless. Not that the institution of the church are used for evil purposes and accepted by the church or the Vatican bank where you keep the money mafia. Adoption Agencies where they prefer to close but to accept homosexual families.

Catholic Church and clergy are living apart from ordinary life, a comfortable living. They do a crime but they are not Karalnia so ordained, they are gazing at each other as sacred cows. Parishioners are treated like stupid sheep and so they will go after them, do not stand up. They are staring and do not see errors, they do not want to believe that their beloved priest to the offender. Abraham when he was on top, and his men had found a new idol of the golden cow. Today it's the same money is important also for the time of Christ who spoke many times and it was the priests who live in wealth, and the faithful in poverty. Priest of Christ did not listen to what they want and just like today. They say the words of Christ but it is only words, and deeds show something other bishops and priests on the other side.

Through this comes today to scandals like the march of "life" of children, and it really was not just hate life, do not know what Christ said the struggle for love and truth, not falsehood and lie to the road is religious fanaticism.

Monday, May 30, 2011

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Rosie O'Donnell XM / Sirius on abortion

I'm from the shock of these words on abortion and support of, or killing the unborn is something normal and insulting people who regret their decision killing a child, is not good. Too far gone not God have mercy on them and did not find the path of truth.

radio show The Rosie O'Donnell on XM / Sirius , talked with Chelsea Handler, comedy actress, who admitted recently in The New York Times that she had an abortion at the age of 16 years and do not regret it. Popular Rosie admitted in that position Handler is a "courageous" and needed. However, producer of the show, Janette Barber, Handler called a brave person.

program called The student, who admitted that it has in the lives of several abortion and can not to recover from trauma. Barber lost his temper and compared the feelings of guilt after killing an unborn child to blame for the rape of his victim. O'Donnell tried to protest against such a little comparison, saying that a rape victim has no way out. But Barber brnęła further in his theory, acknowledging that if a woman wants an abortion she should be able to do it. "Walczyłabym to death that people have a right to abortion" - confessed, and added that as a child said to herself, that will leave America where abortion is illegal. In addition, producer

also added that if the pregnancy broke her plans, and abortion would be illegal it would go into the forest, killed a child and zakopałaby.

Chelsea Handler in an interview with the New York Times also said that it is not a fan of "Teen Mom" \u200b\u200bon MTV. "Rewarding a teenager for being pregnant? Seriously? How do I look at it, I want to kill someone "- he says. "I had an abortion at age 16. I did what I had to do. Today, I would have probably 20 year old child. " Below

Rossie also another program on abortion:

Friday, May 27, 2011

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Why Walesa did not meet with Obama?

Exactly? The reason given - Other pre-planned meeting - I do not believe, and no reasonable person probably does not believe it. I tried online to find some information and speculation - in fact you could see only one clue - a reluctance to meet with Obama in the company of a family Kaczynski. If this was indeed, it would be very sad. I hope, however, was some other reason, the former president had no desire to serve.

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G8 summit, G20, G30 ... Dolce vita

ended just the G8 summit. It was attended by representatives of the eight largest economies in the world (okay, okay, I can hear - the 8 most industrialized countries in the world - but I want a little poczepiać). And I realize I asked a question: Who did the ranking? Because, as everyone knows, statistics is a slut.

The summit attended by 8 countries: USA, France, Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Italy. Meanwhile, according to CIA Factbook list should look like this: first
second China's third
4th India
5th Germany
6th Russia
7th Brazil
8th United Kingdom

French economy takes place on the list 9, Italy is 10th, and 14th Canada List of economic powers of the world is changing - fall out of the European countries, and there are - China, India, Brazil, Mexico (11th economy in the world), South Korea (12th place). What is the conclusion?

chance to keep the impact on the shape of the world in the long term is the interaction - Europe divided fairly quickly become a historical museum. We are on the European Union condemned. By the way, EU leaders would be to try and future summits draw one common representation. Instead of France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy would be the European Union - In this way and our interests would be there, though minimally represented. A three-exempt place could be occupied by China, India and Brazil - to the satisfaction of those countries and for the benefit of the whole world.

And by the way, you know, that place on that list is Poland? We twentieth economy in the world, and we should claim the right to participate in the meetings of the G20. Fortunately, the G30 meeting has already invited us to ...

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Sicher ist Sicher

Jehovah's Witnesses when they knock on my door, going through a little shock. After their frequent introduction: "Is do not you think that the world is happening more and more evil? Wars, natural disasters, people are unfair other people? "- Replied:" No, I do not think so. I think the world is getting better, life is easier, and things are improving. "I think I'm the exception among our fellow citizens, because such a dictum usually lack the rapid response.

After recent protests Solidarity time for some counter-arguments: you see, Business Pulse given after analysis of the CSO data, that in 2010 the average of our compatriots were able to save 17% of their earnings. In 2009 it was is 14%, and five years ago, 9%. Rise of the 14th to 17 dwudziestoprocentowy percent of the increase.

I know that someone lives harder, but I believe - someone else lives easier. And we mean lives easier.

I very very happy, and I hope that next year will be even better.

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On completion of the G8 summit has just given information that the Russians have entered into an agreement with France for the supply ship Mistral. Russia sought to this for years, and President Medvedev, was satisfied. The next day, given that Russia has condemned the regime Gaddafi, which means in the near-term collapse of Qadhafi, and - simplified - Libyan oil tankers in the bellies of the French.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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MTV withdraws from pro-life campaign

MTV withdrew from the campaign targeted to women that occurred in an unplanned pregnancy. Advertising is produced by Heroic Media. MTV informed the press about his decision to ban advertising Heroic media, but did not inform the Heroic Media. The reason for the decision to cooperate with the Planned Parenthood MTV representative said Heroic Media.

Last month, MTV worked with Planned Parenthood to the campaign, "Get Yourself Tested," which was promoted on both MTV and the Planned Parenthood site.

Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in the United States in 2009. Adoptions were only 977 in the Planned Parenthood in 2009.

Heroic Campaign Media:
Heroic Media is a nonprofit religious organization that seeks to reduce abortions by creating a pro-life commercials on television, on billboards or posters, assist women in crisis that occurred Pregnant do not see what to do. The Heroic Media Campaign abortion fell as much as 20%.

Other Heroic campaigns, pro-life media:

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Humor for today

Today video from the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama in Ireland:

Monday, May 23, 2011

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Closing the antykomor.pl

heard about the site AntyKomor.pl ? To Saturday because I have not heard about it.

25-year-old Robert Fryc conducted on the subject of a satirical site, but the blade of the satire was directed against the current office of Bronislaw Komorowski President of the Republic of Poland. I think these pages is a lot - and I wrote on his blog a few articles that describe what is more beautiful slip of the President.

On Wednesday, 18 May 2011, at six o'clock in the morning, the door of the apartment of Robert Frycz zapukało six officers of the Internal Security Agency and two policemen. Searched the apartment, basement, computer equipment confiscated. The author closed the site.

In Guglu can still see copies of the subpages as AntyKomor.pl. You can see them clearly that the site was a satire (which is more successful pictures of the President, First Lady while swimming in the Baltic, the counter showing how many days left until the end of term Bronislaw Komorowski). There are also two games - Killer Komor and Komor Szoter, which according to ABW (!!!) urge to kill the president.

OK, we already know that our government has no sense of humor. It was previously accused of t. Mr. Lech Kaczynski. It turns out that you can laugh, but with "them." The "us" Do not laugh.

suspect that the direct cause of action was a demonstration of the fact that the party started in Guglu be thrown in second place after entering the phrase, "Bronislaw Komorowski.

What all of this is the most depressing? Repression is the work of people who "mats," fought against censorship. Now - I tell you the ugly - wypróżniają the ideals for which they fought thirty years ago. They are older, wealthier, they have power. I reach for her to zgnoić like they do - thirty years earlier.

What is comforting? First, that the action did not pass unnoticed. I am convinced that the ruling party will bring more harm than good.
Secondly, the action shows how powerful means of mass communication has become the Internet. Put yourself the question: Is it easier to win the election, with a handful of traditional media and the Internet? In the past, certainly more important were the first, in the future for sure it will be the second most important. Events such as described, are an indicator of the point of breakthrough. It is happening now. Why is it comforting? Because the Internet is a medium much pojemniejszym and pluralistic society. More difficult to manipulate.

If this break occurs, then I think we will see a number of such shares, and it's all over the world.

Anyone of you remember anon.penet.fi service and the Church of Scientology? ABW action is another shock in the tensions that arise between an online community that values \u200b\u200bfreedom offered by this medium, and groups of power, for which cattle are kept, for shearing, milking, and sometimes for meat.

Friday, May 20, 2011

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very interesting proposal Humor

Look how the marriage came up with a boy:

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know what it is, "Lile Lile łakju? If you do not guess, is try to write Guglu ...

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Charity work - help for flood victims

In the "News" recently appeared in several reports from areas hit by floods last year. It strikes one of them: the Polish state has done little to help the flood victims and protect themselves from a similar tragedy in the future. Against the background of an indolence country hit Caritas Poland - an institution that collects voluntary donations from people with a heart open to others. The text (of today's Republic of websites) I was so touched that you paste it in its entirety:

Over 46.1 million zł was the value of assistance provided by Caritas Poland for those affected by last year's flooding in southern and central Poland
stressed that Caritas organized the emergency relief and long-term for the thousands of victims. The value of aid given by the diocesan Caritas Caritas Poland amounted to more than 23 mln zł, a value of aid collected by the diocesan Caritas (without the participation of Caritas Poland) was also more than 23 million zł.
Caritas - she said spokeswoman Olga Kołtuniak - including organized a vacation resort for 1.7 thousand. children who have suffered as a result of the disaster, organized a campaign "knapsack full of smiles", which benefited nearly six thousand. children. The books were tornistrach blocks, drawing, pencil boxes with equipment, crayons, paints, calculators and geometrical tools.
addition, Caritas has sent 45 trucks to the agricultural land affected by the floods and 120 tons of donations collected during the collection for flood victims. - Caritas supplied not only food but also for the winter fuel, and coal - Kołtuniak stressed. She added that Caritas volunteers help homeowners in their cleaning and drying, and gathered food, water, furniture and clothes.
spokeswoman pointed out that the first wave of floods (14-18 May last year) has caused severe damage, first in the south, and then in the Polish city. The culmination of the Vistula wezbraniowej wave was the highest for 160 years, and the water level exceeded that of the millennium flood in 1997
were flooded houses and farms, damaged roads and bridges, rail links, churches and cemeteries. The water caused severe damage in the regions of Silesia, Lesser Poland, Podkarpackie, Lubelskie and Mazowsze. Under water included, among others Czechowice Dziedzice, Chełm Śląski, Auschwitz, Krakow, Sandomierz, Tarnobrzeg. Also Measles broke levees destroyed towns and villages in his rozlewisku. There was more than 1,300 landslides. Severely affected not only houses, but the orchards and farmlands.
second flood wave passed through Poland on 1-2 June. Water flooded the southern part of the newly Małopolska and Podkarpackie, Lubelskie and Świętokrzyskie. The floods affected: Jasło, Sandomierz and Tarnobrzeg municipalities Wolves Szczucin, Janowiec, Tarłów. Water flooded 554 hectares in 2157 villages. August 7 overflowed river Copper flooding 75 percent. Bogatynia surface. The water destroyed bridges and roads leading into town. Was flooded quarry. Elemental also threatened Zgorzelcowi. The county evacuated residents Porajów Zgorzelec, Radomierzyce, Sieniawki and Koźlic.
Data Caritas in Poland show that floods have killed 25 people and injured was 266,000. 31 thousand were evacuated. people, 20 apartments and 730 homes were flooded or flooded. Losses suffered 811 municipalities and 1,300 businesses. Water damaged 80 thousand. km of provincial, municipal and county, and 1160 km of national roads, 59 bridges. Losses were estimated at around 12 billion zł.

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Joke of the day 5

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Producers of GMO crops lie? Toxins in the blood of unborn babies in danger of network

A were to "disappear" in the digestive tract . Producers of genetically modified foods deliberately lying? They argue that, in its toxins, which act as pesticides, have spread in the gastrointestinal tract and to "disappear" from our body. However, blood tests of pregnant women shows that this does not happen - tells the Daily Mail. "Canadian researchers collected blood samples from women and cord blood samples. In 93 per cent. blood samples from pregnant women and 80 percent. umbilical cord blood samples found the presence of the Bt toxin. Add it include to genetically modified maize, and is intended to protect crops from pests. GMO producers argued that it is broken down in our gut is not known what impact this has on the health of the toxin. However, there is likelihood that it can cause allergies, miscarriages and cancer. According to researchers at the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre 'potential toxicity of these substances and the fragility of the fetus, make the need for further research in this area. "This was the first independent research on GMOs. So far, most of them have been financed by the producers of genetically modified foods - highlights "The Daily Mail."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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supporters and the government's arrest

I read on teletext that in Wroclaw, the police had to, to catch those fans who will ascend slogans against the government. He said one of the policemen, who protect the league meeting at the stadium Silesia Wroclaw. His boss denies that something similar took place.
similar situation took place in Bialystok, where the police did not intervene until the fans have not started to rise against the government passwords.
This is a police state behavior. Sad that such things happen under the rule of the people who fought themselves with that country.

Oh, a little flick: SLD reportedly wanted to bring to the Sejm a bill against the language of hate. And if the term "kibole" sometimes it is not hate speech? What will the National Council of Radio and Television? After such a nasty word used in the national television? Not seen anyone from the SLD is denounced. This is the famous Kali mentality of "In Desert and Wilderness" Sienkiewicz - as against us, it is hate speech. As We are, after all of these different faszystach council can not speak!

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Dominique Strauss-Kahn Another setback

About this probably all heard - in New York were arrested at the airport, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the International Monetary Fund, one of the most powerful men on the planet. Because the hotel earlier tried to rape and imprisoned a young Latino maid. Apparently the sexual assaults occurred to him earlier. He was a brick Socialist candidate in future presidential elections in France.

IMF as soon as possible wanting to distance itself from the scandal, began to look for a successor. Apparently one of the candidates are two Poles. How about this, I heard it I thought - who of our people are qualified? Well known in the international arena? Well, probably only those two - Senator Piesiewicz and director Polanski. But it turned out, however, that it comes to other qualifications, and candidates are professors Balcerowicz With these and the Tree. Both, like Strauss-Kahn, of the good socialist past. And may thus have some chance.

And what do you think about that? Do you prefer to live in enlightened Europe, where for similar antics can be boxed in some of the Goat Józka Wolka, but not those the best of us? But is this a better America, where the word Portorykanki weighs the same as the head of the world's largest financial institution?

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President Komorowski

think punching the man begins to be fun ... This is my reaction to some of how the media tried to make fun of Lech Kaczynski. Now the same media Komorowski silent, although the slip is in my opinion, "flavoursome."

A wine that he drank the Queen of Sweden, even I did not want to write, but now (after more than two weeks!) I learned that for an audience with Pope Benedict XVI, our the president was late 25 minutes. Not given any reasonable explanation. Well-mannered Pope waited. It is interesting that much more noise on a delayed train, taken at the return of the delegation of the PiS, than on this affront.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Can Airplane? Joke of the day

just before its moment, switching channels, I landed on the comedy "Are Airplane?" the TVN7, and the cult scene, unfortunately, not to donate in the Polish language. The original went like this:
Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it?
Ted Striker: Surely you can not be serious.
Rumack: I am serious ... And do not call me Shirley.
Here you will find this scene . It is memorable for this reason that Leslie Nielsen was then still known as a comedian. Here he did what he did best in the world: he gave najbzdurniejsze lyrics with a straight face.

If you would like to learn more tasty dialogue from this movie, then visit this page .

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abortion flourishes

This, however, very dangerous . Everything is done through illegal in Poland wczesnoporonnych tablets. No problem you can buy them online - writes, "Glos Wielkopolski". Announcement sounds mostly like this: "Help in an emergency. I have a complete set of misoprostol and mefipristolu. 6 1 400 zł. discreet delivery." Doctors have warned that illegal pills are often confused with pills such as "72 after". But the difference is fundamental. The latter (eg, Postinor) prevent implantation of the ovum to the uterus. First, as RU486, acting only after 4 to 6 weeks. Induce powerful uterine contractions, leading to necrosis of the mucosa and bleeding - Mackowiak said Dr. Conrad, a gynecologist. Such tablets can not be sold with impunity. Under pharmaceutical law dealers threatens up to two years in prison, warns Zbigniew Paszkiewicz to PCC in Poznan.

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Switzerland: the referendum on the so-called. Child suicide tourism

Chrzescijanin24: Swiss canton Zurich residents vote this weekend on a possible ban on so-called. suicide tourism. As for the issue of assisted death for people from abroad. Recently, his life ended prematurely in Switzerland hundreds of Germans and Britons.

In Switzerland, this type of euthanasia is legal: a terminally ill and suffering, you can ask for help in ending life, and receive such assistance. Most Swiss supports the choice of an earlier death.

Recent polls indicate that they are skeptical of welcoming people from abroad have recently ended their lives prematurely in Switzerland hundreds of Germans and Britons. Currently, six out of ten Swiss believe that assisted death should apply only to residents of Switzerland. Therefore, adopting a ban on tourism in the canton of Zurich suicide, it seems pretty likely.

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yesterday I was in classes in psychology, where we learned about Paul. Terribly laughed out of the fact that these dogs are stupid.
In any case, when the bell rang and everyone went to the cafeteria for lunch.

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beautiful goal by Mikael Granlund

on hockey too much to not know, but I occasionally look at the games the top teams. Now the last world championships, played Saturday, Finland and Russia. Exceptional goal scoring Mikael Granlund - You can see it yourself here .

And by the way - Why the hockey team can stop the time during breaks in play, games are judged by several judges in the field, in controversial situations, judges are waiting for an analysis of the video - and in football you can not this type of simple rules designed to objectify the tournament to make? I suspect that the answer may be quite simple - the decision makers do not care about objectification ...

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tribal policy

have just seen on TV Info interview with Marek Borowski. I am not sympathetic to fuel my left, but Borowski said something, which is consistent with my observations. Briefly described the phenomenon, which he called "Tribal politics" - it was just that the last policy in Poland is grown in the following way: to criticize everything they do other parties, no matter whether it is something bad or good.

I remember that after 1989, I have often thought with fondness of politicians of different parties, not because I agreed with their views, but because they had the courage to boast of their political adversaries, when they deserve praise. Unfortunately, this style of adult politykowania ended in 2005. The Civic Platform has adopted a new attitude in this scale on the Polish political scene - she totally criticize the Law and Justice, even if they did something. The principle was one - they do everything wrong, and so you have to comment on their actions. It turned out that Polish society is very uncritical towards this type of content. The method has proven its effectiveness and recognized Jaroslaw Kaczynski. After losing the 2007 elections, it was recommended to be used by his party, PiS, and now a totally critical of each operation OP. So we have the sixth year in the style of politics practiced, absent earlier.

I do not like This style does not accept it and feel aversion to the persons for whose effectiveness is more important than honesty. According to their criteria, this means that simply do not have the basic political skills, and so.

Unfortunately, until such a large part of Polish society is prone to manipulation, I doubt that the politicians leading the party wanted to abandon this highly effective method. Criticism should teach school, but it is a separate subject.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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book read: Jaroslaw Grzędowicz - Mr. Ice Garden (Part 3) Part III

Somewhere in the middle of the volume came to the conclusion that something Grzędowiczowi not go, because they are too late action takes place - some events should play somewhere at the beginning of the second volume. And then I immediately thought - maybe it will not end up in three volumes? I checked - and joined, as it turned out, the great crowd waiting for the fourth volume. Many of them waiting since the end of 2009, so I'm in a privileged position. At last came the Declaration Pyrkonie publisher you are in sales last (in the sense last not latest ) volume Mr. Ice Garden this autumn.

book is great. The reservations I have only to its structure - I would prefer that every tom made a whole. I have a feeling that could be wrong with the volume of the first, second and third but were abandoned during a colorful narrative, which leaves a huge unsatisfied. These

my scraps are not to be revues only traces of the books read. I do not want it to spoil the fun details of those who have to read my books had not yet arrived. A propos Mr. Ice Garden add that the author is able to weave in the history of fine threads or comments nieuważnemu - or incorrectly nastrojonemu - the reader can easily escape, and which act as a spice in the dish - would fulfill a more discriminating tastes.

I wonder how he'll walk share for the fourth volume. The third ends hiczkokowskim earthquake, so I hope to start with a high C. It would be nice if there was a climax earlier than a few pages before the end of the novel that the author - like JRR Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings , let heroes calmly us to say goodbye.

In six months we'll know.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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nurtured breastfeeding less lying and stealing

Gazeta Wyborcza : After examining more than 10 thousand. mothers and their children, researchers to the many advantages of feeding natural added about 30 percent. fewer psychological problems - social at the child. Key are the first four months at the breast

Nervousness, lack of independence, a tendency to lie or theft - such behavior is 30 percent. more frequent in bottle-fed kids - gave the BBC News website quoting research conducted by scientists from Oxford University, Essex, York and University College London. The study was conducted at more than 10 thousand. mothers and their babies.

children were observed from early infancy to the preschool stage. The researchers took into account that the statistical mom breastfeeding is better educated, mature age and comes from a higher social and economic class than the woman giving the baby a bottle. But even after taking into account these additional factors, the result came out unambiguously.

is not clear what it really has a decisive influence on the development of the breastfed child. The composition of mother's milk? Or rather the fact that during natural feeding is more opportunity for close contact with my mother (read: more impulses to the brain to develop)? Or is that breastfed babies are less ill, which affects their general development of better and more peaceful?

Because of the many unknowns doctors stress that the mother, who for some reasons, decide to give your child a mixture of milk, should not feel guilty or depressed. Much can be compensated for your baby. It is important for example, do not leave your child alone with a bottle, only to be with him closely, look into his eyes and speak to him.

Monday, May 9, 2011

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Venezuela - Orinoco Delta

Maturinu reached the plane, where przenocowaliśmy the suburbs. The next day we reached the Orinoco, where we packed up the boats, which rushed swiftly down the river - or rather its main branches, he falls into the Orinoco delta of the Caribbean Sea. Boats equipped with powerful engines, slipping along the surface, flying at a speed of tens of kilometers per hour. Along the banks from time to time appeared cottage Warao Indians.
Palafitos Warao Indians. Pirogi can see, the trees visible lines tide.
clear waters of the river changes as a result of tidal level - the difference is about underground houses are built on stilts so. It is these distinctive cottage, called palafitos , provoked the first Europeans who arrived in the territory of present day Venezuela - just a little further west than the Orinoco Delta - to give the land its current name, meaning "little Venice".
Girl from the Warao tribe
After several minutes we turned into a smaller branch, and then in another. Given the speed of the boat and the time we had to swim around 100-150 km down the Orinoco. We finally reach the Campamento Abujene , sunk deep in the jungle palafitos clusters, the combined system of bridges, which becomes our temporary home.
Our house in the jungle ...
... and its geographical location.
ground is very wet, and regularly inundated during the tidal waters of the Orinoco. Trend in the leg, at which the camp is located, is so lazy that noticeable - clumps of vegetation in tidal channel flows in one direction, at low tide in the second.
Everything is soaked with kerosene to discourage mosquitoes. Mosquito net hanging over the bed, bathroom with shower and basin water leaks, collected a few dozen meters away from the river front.
The nearest tree grows, plastered nests characteristic of rainbow fish dressed Venezuela ( Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys) .

slots rainbow fish
We've got some time to rest, so we visit the camp, watching the jungle. Among the leaves we see toucans, butterflies on the river circulate. During his stay in the delta times we are able to see the morphs (Morpho Menelaus ), an amazing big blue butterfly.
toucan, a toucan.
Suddenly the jungle, we begin to hit home low disturbing than it pohukiwania than a snarl. The sounds are becoming more intesywne, clearly close to the camp - it sounds more and more frightening. It turns out that this stock wyjców - America's largest monkey. Heard probably increased noise in the camp and the future we look. Swims a piece of the boat and seeing a small flock feeding on the tips of the trees surrounding our camp. Well, that came over the camp during the day - at dawn he heard it again, I think: 'Oh, another flock ", and falls to the other side - if I did not know what kind of sound, for fear I would not have fell asleep.

the afternoon we go on the first expedition into the jungle. Gumacze leg slip, exposed skin smear the pieces with a high concentration of DEET - a measure developed in the sixties of the twentieth century by the Americans for their army in Vietnam. After a short ride on a boat landing on the guide, and plunged into the green.
jungle roof
Brodzimy in waterlogged leaf litter. Guide encourages us to climbing the following lianach, shows how these can be spijać water.

environment is quite nasty - mosquitoes everywhere, while tens of minutes spent in the jungle I can see dozens of small scorpions, once on the leg of one of those lands handsome tarantula.

was relieved to be back to the boat. We head to the village Indian Warao, for which tourism is one of the sources of income. Warao tribe has about 20 thousand. People have their own language and many of them do not speak English. The main activities are fishing and gathering. We see children floating down the river in dłubankach, repulsive oar from the water holder with a characteristic U-shaped
Indians all the time using dłubanki
characteristic paddle
The village girls choose - among variety of goods available - the mat, beads, Maria buys a toucan figurine, carved out of balsa tree, with the essential grain of pepper in the nose.

Warao are famous for their woven their hammocks. We look at life in the village. A girl washes on the platform, the boy returns to the village of caught fish.

After commemorative photos are packed into a boat and sail into the middle river. Apparently piranha feeding at the edge and dip in the middle of the stream is safe - we saw the natives, bathers at the very edge, so risk of attack by the piranha seem exaggerated, but at the Los Llanos, we saw how many swims in the marshes.

water is warm and pleasant, with a clear red color. Them living in it with pleasure, and after some time to join us two boats - with more crafts for sale. The girls enjoyed the opportunity and dokupujemy a few things. One of the girls on their knees holding newborn - baby was born two weeks earlier.

two-week baby sister in her arms. From the first moments of his life is linked to a river.
sail boat after a swim lazily, waiting for the sunset.

delightful performance, however, does not end with putting up the solar disc behind the horizon - it is a full day and a little later on the other side behind the trees emerges a chubby face of the moon. Is close to the equator, so quickly it gets dark. In the glare of the month we go back to camp.

Our guide, in order to while away we wait for dinner, go to the dining room and after a while back - the tarantula in his hand. Explains that tarantula sting only if it is provoked. Many of us decide So on closer acquaintance. Maria, who at our house spiders found picks up and puts on the court, without fear you włochatemu spider climb on his forearm, and then go to the second hand. Feeling describes as "nice." After a moment, a guide brings a "pocket" mud turtle. When we go to sleep after dinner to our palafitos, under a bridge chlupie water flow.
The next day we're going in the opposite direction - toward less and less channels to poprzyglądać a little nature.

We see morfy, Ina, manages to see - but unfortunately did not photograph - a hummingbird.
It's not a hummingbird, of course. We have seen over the Orinoco hoacyny again, but I am not 100% sure if this is hoacyn.
the sky, the dark clouds gather, and suddenly it starts raining. I'm hiding from a violent downpour of big pieces of film. Rain fades after a few minutes. A guide shows us the more interesting specimens of the flora of the Orinoco.

Maria cacao fruit
the afternoon we return to camp and after lunch we bid farewell to the camping, a boat back to civilization. Next stop - Ciudad Bolivar, where we will go to Canaimy.