Monday, May 23, 2011

Nintendo Club Points Online Generator

Closing the

heard about the site ? To Saturday because I have not heard about it.

25-year-old Robert Fryc conducted on the subject of a satirical site, but the blade of the satire was directed against the current office of Bronislaw Komorowski President of the Republic of Poland. I think these pages is a lot - and I wrote on his blog a few articles that describe what is more beautiful slip of the President.

On Wednesday, 18 May 2011, at six o'clock in the morning, the door of the apartment of Robert Frycz zapukało six officers of the Internal Security Agency and two policemen. Searched the apartment, basement, computer equipment confiscated. The author closed the site.

In Guglu can still see copies of the subpages as You can see them clearly that the site was a satire (which is more successful pictures of the President, First Lady while swimming in the Baltic, the counter showing how many days left until the end of term Bronislaw Komorowski). There are also two games - Killer Komor and Komor Szoter, which according to ABW (!!!) urge to kill the president.

OK, we already know that our government has no sense of humor. It was previously accused of t. Mr. Lech Kaczynski. It turns out that you can laugh, but with "them." The "us" Do not laugh.

suspect that the direct cause of action was a demonstration of the fact that the party started in Guglu be thrown in second place after entering the phrase, "Bronislaw Komorowski.

What all of this is the most depressing? Repression is the work of people who "mats," fought against censorship. Now - I tell you the ugly - wypróżniają the ideals for which they fought thirty years ago. They are older, wealthier, they have power. I reach for her to zgnoić like they do - thirty years earlier.

What is comforting? First, that the action did not pass unnoticed. I am convinced that the ruling party will bring more harm than good.
Secondly, the action shows how powerful means of mass communication has become the Internet. Put yourself the question: Is it easier to win the election, with a handful of traditional media and the Internet? In the past, certainly more important were the first, in the future for sure it will be the second most important. Events such as described, are an indicator of the point of breakthrough. It is happening now. Why is it comforting? Because the Internet is a medium much pojemniejszym and pluralistic society. More difficult to manipulate.

If this break occurs, then I think we will see a number of such shares, and it's all over the world.

Anyone of you remember service and the Church of Scientology? ABW action is another shock in the tensions that arise between an online community that values \u200b\u200bfreedom offered by this medium, and groups of power, for which cattle are kept, for shearing, milking, and sometimes for meat.


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