G8 summit, G20, G30 ... Dolce vita
ended just the G8 summit. It was attended by representatives of the eight largest economies in the world (okay, okay, I can hear - the 8 most industrialized countries in the world - but I want a little poczepiać). And I realize I asked a question: Who did the ranking? Because, as everyone knows, statistics is a slut.
The summit attended by 8 countries: USA, France, Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Italy. Meanwhile, according to CIA Factbook list should look like this: first
second China's third
4th India
5th Germany
6th Russia
7th Brazil
8th United Kingdom
French economy takes place on the list 9, Italy is 10th, and 14th Canada List of economic powers of the world is changing - fall out of the European countries, and there are - China, India, Brazil, Mexico (11th economy in the world), South Korea (12th place). What is the conclusion?
chance to keep the impact on the shape of the world in the long term is the interaction - Europe divided fairly quickly become a historical museum. We are on the European Union condemned. By the way, EU leaders would be to try and future summits draw one common representation. Instead of France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy would be the European Union - In this way and our interests would be there, though minimally represented. A three-exempt place could be occupied by China, India and Brazil - to the satisfaction of those countries and for the benefit of the whole world.
And by the way, you know, that place on that list is Poland? We twentieth economy in the world, and we should claim the right to participate in the meetings of the G20. Fortunately, the G30 meeting has already invited us to ...
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