Monday, November 9, 2009

Babies In Open Casket

not heard a cry in defense of a woman, it's too late ... Women React

When organizations, human rights defenders, departments do not consider the time factor with humanity, the harm to women is irreparable.
While discussing whether they will interfere in cases, the emotional damage, psychological and physical will be permanent, irreversible and often terminal on the victims of violence and discrimination.
thus allow the silence and indifference that are considered victims of criminal defendants, those who use legal trickery on behalf justice and a Constitution that is blatantly and constantly desreitada in relation to women's rights in Brazil.
To whom appeal in this country? Where are the voices of victims in distress?
Brazil does not forget how this woman was loudly called a university. You will not forget the roars of the males and much less ironic smiles and looks of young women complicit in this legion university inquisitive.
Time is essential so that the victim feels supported and protected the powers of security and justice, therefore there would be no suicides, depression very serious, family-trading , death and physical violence as was the case of Maria da Penha Maia.
Humanity Ladies and Gentlemen it is essential that they are in office to fight for women's rights.
In the case of this young, not heard for days a repudiation of any agency that although the case had international repercussions, and then came the expulsion ... It was too late ...
Time violence. Time of neglect.
of missing time and missing in our country.
Ana Maria C. Bruni

Minister condemns the measure and says it is expelling a student intolerance
With almost a week late, the minister PT Nilcéa Freire, the Special Secretariat for Policies for Women, said Sunday it would charge the Uniban explanations of the decision to expel the student Geisy Arruda.
Nilcéa condemned the decision and said the move showed "absolute intolerance and discrimination." "This is absurd. The student went from victim to defendant. If the university thinks it should establish appropriate standards of dress, should warn their students clearly what those standards," said she, giving vent to the arguments of Uniban. According to the minister, the Ombudsman's office had asked the Uniban explanations about the case, including asking what measures had been taken against students who harassed the girl. See the Versus
Minister will ask for explanations about the expulsion of a student harassed
Nilcéa Freire, the Special Secretariat for Policies for Women, said the decision demonstrates Uniban "absolute intolerance and discrimination"
Agency Brazil

The minister Nilcéa Freire, the Special Secretariat for Policies for Women (SPM), on Sunday (8) it would charge the University Bandeirante ( Uniban ) explanations of the decision to expel a student who wore a short dress and on the progress of measures against students who "verbally attacked".

Nilcéa condemned the decision to expel the university and said that the attitude of the school showed "absolute intolerance and discrimination." "This is absurd. The student went from victim to defendant. If the university thinks it should establish appropriate standards of dress, should warn their students clearly what those standards," said the minister to Brazil Agency, arrived for participate in the seminar The Women and Media .

According to the minister, the watchdog of PMS had already asked the Uniban explanations about the case, including asking what measures had been taken against students who harassed the girl. On Monday (9), the SPM should publish a new statement condemning the action and causing other government agencies like the Federal Prosecutor (MPF) and the Ministry of Education (MEC) to come forward.

The approximately 300 participants at the seminar Women and Media decided to disclose, even on Sunday (8), which reject the motion for the expulsion of Uniban Arruda Geyse student who was harassed on October 22 for about 700 colleagues, by using a short dress during class. Student in the first year of tourism, Geyse was expelled from the institution, in Sao Bernardo do Campo (SP). The decision was announced in a statement published on Sunday paid newspapers in Sao Paulo.
Journal Times


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