Thursday, May 5, 2011

Differences Between Mono And Cold

Czechs and Abortion in the UK

Government believes that the obligation towards the Union . The Czech Ministry of Health is pushing legislation that would provide all commonly by those living the European Union legal abortion procedures. He argues that such an obligation imposed on the Czech Republic European Union law - inform the 'Republic'. The government is preparing law reforms the whole system of care in the Czech Republic. For it to be included controversial provisions that - as argued by the government - will fit right into the Czech EU regulations. What are the regulations? But there is no EU law, which dyktowałoby whether and when and in which country a woman can abort. And the Czech Republic, and so many foreign women come - says 'Republic' Lubomir Kopeček, University political scientist. Masaryk in Brno. Recalls that such near the Polish border, there are many clinics where Polish women undergo an abortion. Ceske abortion law is considered one of the most liberal in the EU. A woman can undergo an abortion up to 12 week of pregnancy without giving any reason and to 24 week for medical reasons. The only limitation is a woman's age - a minimum of 16 years and the time interval between successive treatments: can not give in to abortion more frequently than every six months. Despite the liberalization of abortion number of abortions is falling: in 1991 they made 100 thousand. In 2008, only 27 thousand.

Also good news is a drop of abortion, the liberalization of the law is not a good idea.

All doctors and nurses were required to inform pregnant women that abortion is safer than a whistle blowing pregnancy and childbirth - tells Such a recommendation issued the bosses of the Royal Schools of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the UK. Women choosing to have an abortion now hear from the doctors that after surgery they will face fewer complications than after donoszeniu pregnancy and childbirth. complication applies to both physical and mental. From a medical point of view, it is difficult to relate the latter directly from an abortion procedure - British doctors argue.

Ichor The dangerous urge such a finding to abortion rather than bear a child.


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