Monday, May 9, 2011

Renting Cake Pans In London Ontario

Venezuela - Orinoco Delta

Maturinu reached the plane, where przenocowaliśmy the suburbs. The next day we reached the Orinoco, where we packed up the boats, which rushed swiftly down the river - or rather its main branches, he falls into the Orinoco delta of the Caribbean Sea. Boats equipped with powerful engines, slipping along the surface, flying at a speed of tens of kilometers per hour. Along the banks from time to time appeared cottage Warao Indians.
Palafitos Warao Indians. Pirogi can see, the trees visible lines tide.
clear waters of the river changes as a result of tidal level - the difference is about underground houses are built on stilts so. It is these distinctive cottage, called palafitos , provoked the first Europeans who arrived in the territory of present day Venezuela - just a little further west than the Orinoco Delta - to give the land its current name, meaning "little Venice".
Girl from the Warao tribe
After several minutes we turned into a smaller branch, and then in another. Given the speed of the boat and the time we had to swim around 100-150 km down the Orinoco. We finally reach the Campamento Abujene , sunk deep in the jungle palafitos clusters, the combined system of bridges, which becomes our temporary home.
Our house in the jungle ...
... and its geographical location.
ground is very wet, and regularly inundated during the tidal waters of the Orinoco. Trend in the leg, at which the camp is located, is so lazy that noticeable - clumps of vegetation in tidal channel flows in one direction, at low tide in the second.
Everything is soaked with kerosene to discourage mosquitoes. Mosquito net hanging over the bed, bathroom with shower and basin water leaks, collected a few dozen meters away from the river front.
The nearest tree grows, plastered nests characteristic of rainbow fish dressed Venezuela ( Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys) .

slots rainbow fish
We've got some time to rest, so we visit the camp, watching the jungle. Among the leaves we see toucans, butterflies on the river circulate. During his stay in the delta times we are able to see the morphs (Morpho Menelaus ), an amazing big blue butterfly.
toucan, a toucan.
Suddenly the jungle, we begin to hit home low disturbing than it pohukiwania than a snarl. The sounds are becoming more intesywne, clearly close to the camp - it sounds more and more frightening. It turns out that this stock wyjców - America's largest monkey. Heard probably increased noise in the camp and the future we look. Swims a piece of the boat and seeing a small flock feeding on the tips of the trees surrounding our camp. Well, that came over the camp during the day - at dawn he heard it again, I think: 'Oh, another flock ", and falls to the other side - if I did not know what kind of sound, for fear I would not have fell asleep.

the afternoon we go on the first expedition into the jungle. Gumacze leg slip, exposed skin smear the pieces with a high concentration of DEET - a measure developed in the sixties of the twentieth century by the Americans for their army in Vietnam. After a short ride on a boat landing on the guide, and plunged into the green.
jungle roof
Brodzimy in waterlogged leaf litter. Guide encourages us to climbing the following lianach, shows how these can be spijać water.

environment is quite nasty - mosquitoes everywhere, while tens of minutes spent in the jungle I can see dozens of small scorpions, once on the leg of one of those lands handsome tarantula.

was relieved to be back to the boat. We head to the village Indian Warao, for which tourism is one of the sources of income. Warao tribe has about 20 thousand. People have their own language and many of them do not speak English. The main activities are fishing and gathering. We see children floating down the river in dłubankach, repulsive oar from the water holder with a characteristic U-shaped
Indians all the time using dłubanki
characteristic paddle
The village girls choose - among variety of goods available - the mat, beads, Maria buys a toucan figurine, carved out of balsa tree, with the essential grain of pepper in the nose.

Warao are famous for their woven their hammocks. We look at life in the village. A girl washes on the platform, the boy returns to the village of caught fish.

After commemorative photos are packed into a boat and sail into the middle river. Apparently piranha feeding at the edge and dip in the middle of the stream is safe - we saw the natives, bathers at the very edge, so risk of attack by the piranha seem exaggerated, but at the Los Llanos, we saw how many swims in the marshes.

water is warm and pleasant, with a clear red color. Them living in it with pleasure, and after some time to join us two boats - with more crafts for sale. The girls enjoyed the opportunity and dokupujemy a few things. One of the girls on their knees holding newborn - baby was born two weeks earlier.

two-week baby sister in her arms. From the first moments of his life is linked to a river.
sail boat after a swim lazily, waiting for the sunset.

delightful performance, however, does not end with putting up the solar disc behind the horizon - it is a full day and a little later on the other side behind the trees emerges a chubby face of the moon. Is close to the equator, so quickly it gets dark. In the glare of the month we go back to camp.

Our guide, in order to while away we wait for dinner, go to the dining room and after a while back - the tarantula in his hand. Explains that tarantula sting only if it is provoked. Many of us decide So on closer acquaintance. Maria, who at our house spiders found picks up and puts on the court, without fear you włochatemu spider climb on his forearm, and then go to the second hand. Feeling describes as "nice." After a moment, a guide brings a "pocket" mud turtle. When we go to sleep after dinner to our palafitos, under a bridge chlupie water flow.
The next day we're going in the opposite direction - toward less and less channels to poprzyglądać a little nature.

We see morfy, Ina, manages to see - but unfortunately did not photograph - a hummingbird.
It's not a hummingbird, of course. We have seen over the Orinoco hoacyny again, but I am not 100% sure if this is hoacyn.
the sky, the dark clouds gather, and suddenly it starts raining. I'm hiding from a violent downpour of big pieces of film. Rain fades after a few minutes. A guide shows us the more interesting specimens of the flora of the Orinoco.

Maria cacao fruit
the afternoon we return to camp and after lunch we bid farewell to the camping, a boat back to civilization. Next stop - Ciudad Bolivar, where we will go to Canaimy.


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